How to Press Tofu

Step by Step Guide on How to Press Tofu

Pressing the excess water out is an essential step when cooking with tofu. With the extra water gone you're able to achieve a much better texture on the tofu.


  • 1 Large plate
  • 1 Small plate Optionally you can use parchment paper
  • 1 Heavy object such as a cast iron pan


  • 1 Block Tofu


  • Place the block of tofu onto a large plate
    Photo of a block of Tofu
  • Place a smaller plate upside down on top of the tofu.
    Photo of a plate on top of a block of tofu
  • Place a heavy object, such as a cast iron pan, on top of the small plate.
    Photo of Tofu being Pressed
  • Let drain for 15-20 minutes. Remove drained tofu liquid.

Anthony Valentine, Kidney-Friendly Chef (121)

Founder & Director Anthony Valentine graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a degree in Culinary Arts & Nutrition in 2013. He was later diagnosed with IGA Nephropathy (IGAN) in April 2017. On January 31st, 2019, he received a new kidney from his mother. Post-transplant life will never be the same, and neither will his diet. So, combining his diagnosis of IGAN with his degree in culinary arts and nutrition, he created Cukebook is a website that documents recipes, guides, tools, and resources designed to help people fighting chronic kidney disease.

Post-transplant life will never be the same, and neither will his diet. So, combining his diagnosis of IGAN with his degree in culinary arts and nutrition, he created Cukebook is a website that documents recipes, guides, tools, and resources designed to help people fighting chronic kidney disease.

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